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Opening Session: Dennis Tyler, Mayor, City of Muncie
Best Practices Panel: Planning Successful Community Events Planning and Partnering for Community Events can be a challenge and rewarding. Come and hear from two of your colleagues who have had great success at planning community events. They will also provide useful templates to follow as you begin to plan your events. Come and learn and take time to share your successes as well. You can't always get want you want...but maybe these best practices will help your district get what you need. Therese David, Porter County Executive Director Jessie Biggerman, Johnson County Executive Director Cliff Duggan, Moderator
Concurrent Session: Don’t Bern it – REUSE it! Mike Thompson of ReStore will discuss their partnerships with local Habitat for Humanity groups. He will also explain the process to establish a ReStore and how the reuse centers work once they are open. Bob Broughton of Changing Footprints will bring a unique perspective to reuse with his group’s mission to distribute all types of shoes to local and international groups. Jennifer Lawrence of Boone County SWMD will discuss a variety of District programs to collect shoes. Presenters: Mike Thompson, ReStore Bob Broughton, Changing Footprints Jennifer Lawrence, Boone Co. SWMD
Concurrent Session: Big Challenges, Real Solutions Join us for the director roundtable. Moderators: Debbie Hackman and Lenn Detwiler
Concurrent Session: New Possibilities, Real Leadership Join us for the educator roundtable Moderator: Kim Schafstall
Concurrent Session: Giving Them What They Want Our friends at the State Board of Accounts don’t care to see your personal tax return or your clean bill of health. But, they do periodically come by headquarters to ensure that your bookkeeping and operations are all above board. SBOA will highlight some new requirements (internal financial controls, contract uploading, etc.) and we’ll be sure there is plenty of time for Q&A.
Who Should Attend: District Directors Educators HHW Employees
Proper segregation of HHW is essential not only for safety but also for compliance with permits and Dept. of Transportation Regulations.
Presentation will include why and how to safely and properly segregate HHW for transportation, incompatible materials, with emphasis on oxidizers and other ignitable wastes, common HHW product classifications and safety procedures for flammable materials.
Gary Davis, Chemist
Previous Vice President for Regulatory Affairs for Environmental Enterprises, Inc
Currently serves as Environmental Health and Safety Manager
42 years experience in Environmental field including 30 years in HHW collection and disposal
Courtyard Marriott, 601 S High Street, Muncie, IN 47305
To reserve call: (765) 287-8550
or click here to reserve online.
Address:125 West Market Street, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204