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This course is designed for the currently certified landfill operator, the person seeking a preparation course for initial certification for the state-approved exam, or the solid waste professional looking to enhance his/her knowledge. SWANA CEUs will be available for recertification.
This course is offered by fellow solid waste professionals, the course is updated annually to provide information on emerging issues affecting solid waste. Topics include:
An IDEM-accredited examination will be offered immediately following the course for individuals seeking initial landfill operator certification.
For questions call Jenni Franz at 260-668-0535 or by email at
PLAN AHEAD! IDEM requires that a certified operator must complete an accredited training course prior to the expiration of the operator’s valid certificate. If the date is missed by even one day, the certification becomes invalid and the initial exam must be retaken.
Click here for the registration form.
Address:125 West Market Street, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204